Thursday, December 28
    3:00 PM Eastern


    2 Hours
    Live on Zoom


    Scaling and Exiting A Business


    Sell Your Business for Legacy-Style Wealth

What Is It?

Kevin Harrington talking with Mike Agugliaro

If you're looking to scale and exit your business for a massive payday, you'll be inspired by hearing how someone else did it—twice! Join Mike Agugliaro, who has sold two companies for tens of millions of dollars each, as he reveals his secrets to achieving a “Synergized Exit.” In this masterclass, you'll…

  • Find out how Mike went from growing a small business to building an empire!
  • Discover how Mike developed systems and a team so strong that the business could run without him (This scares most business owners so few are brave enough to try it! As a result, even fewer experience the freedom that comes to grow beyond their business!)
  • Learn how Mike created a higher valuation of his business (No one else is talking about this!)
  • Hear firsthand about the 3 secrets that Mike used to scale his business so quickly and sustainably that he received a purchase offer without even looking to sell.
  • Get a new perspective on your business by hearing how Mike learned from his experience and exited a second business in even less time.

    Why Is It Relevant?

    Mike Agugliaro is not just another business coach or consultant. He's a serial entrepreneur who has built and sold multiple businesses in different industries. He's also a sought-after speaker, author, and mentor who has helped thousands of business owners achieve their goals. Don't miss this chance to learn from the best.

    But don't take our word for it. Kevin O’Leary from The Shark Tank says Mike Agugliaro is “the real deal.” And fellow Shark Kevin Harrington says Mike has “cracked the code.” Jay Abraham, the 21.7 Billion Dollar Man and Highest Paid Marketing Consultant in the World, describes Mike Agugliaro as “one of the most provocative, important, impressive movers and shakers.” Jay, who was identified by Forbes as one of the top five executive coaches, admires how Mike has “fought a never-ending battle for prosperity, for success, for superiority, for sustainability, for joy and fulfillment, and for preeminent performance.”

    Are you interested in making a world-class exit from your business? Mike will tell you all about the steps and strategies he used to exit two of his companies for tens of millions of dollars each. Register now for this masterclass and you'll hear how Mike achieved a “Synergized Exit” from his businesses.

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    Synergized Exit Masterclass

    Synergized Exit Masterclass

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